
Wye River Review of Long-Term Management Options

From the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) Engage website.

The Wye River foreshore has recently experienced extensive winter storms and a persistent eastward shift, leading to the loss of the Wye River Surf Life Saving Club disability and beach access ramps. The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (the Authority) and the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) have reinstated the beach access ramp and completed short-term protective works at the Wye River to address significant erosion concerns.

Some of the short-term works included sand scraping and beach renourishment, which aimed to slow the rate of erosion. Continued erosion however led to the deployment of a temporary geo-container seawall and sandbag groynes which has successfully redirected the flow of the river away from the sand dune and Surf Life Saving Club.

A Review of possible Long-Term Management Options has been developed by experienced coastal engineers, which includes a range of options (from nature-based through to hard engineering solutions) to reduce the impact of coastal hazards for this site. Four long-term options were investigated; managed retreat, an integrated sand management program, a rock groyne and a rock seawall.

The findings outline protective structures such a rock seawall would have negative impacts on beach amenity while an integrated sand management program is the recommended option.

DELWP and the Authority are seeking feedback on the values of the Wye River community and the findings of the review. The feedback received from this public consultation will help shape current and future decision making for Wye River.

For more information and to complete the survey, visit:

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