
Pier Funding Boost to Enhance Landbased Fishing

VRFish, the recreational fishing peak body in Victoria, welcomes the Victorian Government’s investment in our piers and jetties through the Better Piers and Waterside Facilities program. 

VRFish Chairperson, Mr. Rob Loats, said “Our jetties and pier infrastructure is critical for recreational fishing as it allows access for all ages and abilities and a focal point for thousands of fishers.”

“For families and those that don’t have a boat, our piers and jetties are the lifeblood for fishers to access deeper water and where the fish are biting.”

VRFish commends the Victorian Government’s commitment of $24-million to the Better Piers and Waterside Facilities program, including $10-million to redevelop the much-loved Altona Pier.

“We have already received an overwhelmingly positive response from recreational fishers about the Victorian Government’s commitment for a major upgrade of Altona Pier.”

Altona Pier is a highly visited land-based fishing location, especially during the annual snapper run. Recreational fishers are being asked to have their say on the new design to ensure it will enhance their fishing experience.

“Fishers are telling us they have a preference for the T-shape design as it allows for substantially more fishing space at the end of the jetty and will improve their fishing experience.” 

It is vitally important that recreational fishers have their say on the design options through an online survey on the Engage Victoria website before August 19.

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