
Inquiry into ecosystem decline in Victoria

The Legislative Council Environment and Planning Committee is undertaking an inquiry on the decline of Victoria’s ecosystems and measures to restore habitats and populations of threatened and endangered species.

We know that restoring our fish habitat, healthy water and looking after where our fish live is the top priority for Victorian recreational fishers. Fishers are also leading the charge to recover our fish species including our iconic Murray cod but more work is needed on a range of species.

The inquiry presents a great opportunity for VRFish as your peak body to raise any issues, represent your views and make recommendations that can make positive difference to where our fish live and our fish.

We welcome your input into the VRFish’s submission and equally encourage you to make a submission. Drop us a line at [email protected] and you can submit your own submission by visiting the the Victorian Parliament website.

The submission closing date is Friday, 31 July 2020.

Inquiry Terms of Reference

  1. the extent of the decline of Victoria’s biodiversity and the likely impact on people, particularly First Peoples, and ecosystems, if more is not done to address this, including consideration of climate change impacts;
  2. the adequacy of the legislative framework protecting Victoria’s environment, including grasslands, forests and the marine and coastal environment, and native species;
  3. the adequacy and effectiveness of government programs and funding protecting and restoring Victoria’s ecosystems;
  4. legislative, policy, program, governance and funding solutions to facilitate ecosystem and species protection, restoration and recovery in Victoria, in the context of climate change impacts;
  5. opportunities to restore Victoria’s environment while upholding First Peoples’ connection to country, and increasing and diversifying employment opportunities in Victoria; and
  6. any other related matters.

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