
Important Message to Fishers About Covid-19

UPDATED 1 APRIL 2020 – Stage 3 Restrictions

As of midnight 30 March, Victoria moved to Stage 3 restrictions.

The direction from Government is if you can stay at home, you must stay at home.

Tonight, the Minister for Fishing and Boating Jaala Pulford contacted VRFish to inform us she had released a statement on her Facebook page outlining the Government’s position on recreational fishing during Stage 3 restrictions.

The statement reads:

“On fishing ???? –

The advice is clear, you need to stay home.

There are a lot of sacrifices we need to make – and going out to fish is one of them.

For some people, fishing is their job – and at this stage that’s ok – however, if you don’t need to go fishing, you shouldn’t be.

Victoria Police have been clear if you’re not following the 4 reasons to be out – you will be fined. Follow the advice – stay at home.

Sort your best fishing photos, give your gear a spring clean, try a new recipe but #StayHomeStaySafe”

We love fishing. You love fishing. Fishers have now been asked to make a sacrifice during these unprecedented times. Its tough we know, but its a temporary pause while Victoria tackles the coronavirus pandemic. Please stay home, play your part and save lives.

Stay up to date with all the latest health advice about coronavirus by visiting

Victoria Police have also released a statement to their Facebook page.

“…People cannot participate in recreational activities like they normally would such as fishing or boating. They need to stay home if not for their own health, but for the health of their loved ones and the wider community.

The Victorian Fisheries Authority has also published advice on Stage 3 Restrictions:

The Victorian Government is directing everyone in Victoria to stay home to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

People cannot participate in recreational activities as they normally would, including fishing or boating.

There are only be four reasons to leave your house:

  • buying food and supplies that you need
  • exercise
  • medical care and caregiving
  • work and education – if necessary.

Stay home. Protect our health system. Save Lives.

Recreational Fishing licences

Recreational fishing licence money goes into fish stocking, access and infrastructure. It will continue to be invested to make sure that when we can fish again there will be plenty of fish to catch.

This money also funds Fisheries Officers who are continuing to patrol the waterways.

Commercial fishing

Commercial fishing plays an important part in supplying Victorians and can continue at this time.

Recreational fishing charters

People cannot participate in recreational fishing or boating, this includes on charters.

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