
Code of Practice for Boating Activity Events

Marine Safety Victoria (MSV) are seeking feedback to a second reiteration of a draft Code of Practice for boating activity events.

VRFish was involved in MSV’s first attempt at developing a draft Code of Practice for managers of boating events in 2018. This followed abrupt new legislation under the Marine Safety Act 2010 that gave any employer or self-employed person that organised, facilitate or control a boating event a legislated safety duty.

Our major concerns at the time was that recreational fishing events such as fishing competitions were at risk to be classed as an ‘organised boating activity’ placing unreasonable new obligations onto volunteers. The first Code of Practice lacked the detail and clarity to determine the full impact to recreational fishing and fishing clubs. In addition, we were not presented with any evidence to suggest a new legislated safety duty was even warranted for our sector.

VRFish was hopeful our original comments and feedback were incorporated and addressed in this revised draft. It appears they have not and we have put some questions into MSV for clarification.

In meantime, you can read the draft Code and other documents on the Engage Victoria Website. We encourage you to submit your feedback and to also let VRFish know your thoughts at [email protected] to incorporate into our submission. Submissions close 27 September 2019.

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